Mycolls is the mobile app that gives you an advanced way to manage files on your phone and computer, downloading them to any folder, creating tags and albums, syncing chosen files. This idea shows how the existing file managers could be improved. 
This work is important to me as my own idea, my own project. 
​​​​​​​- Created in Adobe XD -
1. Tagging
One of the most important features is convenient and intuitive tagging and tag management: 
In a desktop version: just drag the files to the tag or vice versa:
2. Adjusting the folder tree
- sorting by day, location, name, etc;
- nested view: open folder-in-folder inside one screen;
- possibility to create an auto task for your phone, so it transfers all the downloads to a single folder:

3. Creating a moodboard with chosen files:
4. Synchronize with the computer
You can send the files between computer and phone with one click. (As you can see on the phone screen, the system notifies the user about any action performed. A bottom sheet with the notification can be hidden from the screen by the swipe gesture):
5. Save a file from the web, using a low-definition preview + link:
6. Rename a bunch of files with name+sequence
(desktop example):
The full-screen preview opens the image on the black background and, of course, allows you to zoom in and out by the two fingers gesture.  ; )
7. Who would use it?
This software can be useful for designers, artists, photographers, real estate brokers, and others who either like to create collections (like Pinterest, but saving the files to your device) or want to keep their files organized and synced due to the work needs.
Here is the full presentation, with the user personas/cases included.
Thanks for getting this far! : )
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